
Friday, January 05, 2007


i was watching Discovery Travel & Living last night.
it was about this American fellow who visited India, and he mentioned that his Indian host told
him that the Western Culture craved for so much in life.
Like big cars, big houses, fame, riches etc.
He also mentioned that unlike the western culture,
his fellow people ask for far less in life.
Food on the table, good health and a happy family.

What he said stuck with me.
I realised how true it was. We don't need fancy houses, big cars and a big bank account to live happly.
We can live happily being content with what we have.
All we need are our family, friends.
And most importantly God.
Many a time i have heard of rich people who almost had everything, and they lead a luxurious lifestyle.
Yet they were never happy with what they had.
They think that acquiring more would make them happier.
They crave for more.
More and more they craved.
Till their only purpose in life was to posses the material goods they have been craving for.
This would be their downfall.
Consumed by their own obsession and greed.
Whereas i have also seen people who have far less.
They live in small houses.
Not exactly a comfortable life.
Almost struggling you might say.
Yet, they always seem to have a smile on their face.
These people, happy with the little that they have.
Appreciating simplicity and humbleness.
Appreciating Family and Friends.
Appreciating life.
I wish i was like these special group of people.
I wish i didn't crave for so much in this world.

Smell ya around.


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