
Friday, November 09, 2007


i just hate it. can't get it out of my head.
just despise the way some friends take your flaws and imperfections and turn it against you.
making jokes out if it. as if the reality of it isn't bad enough, they keep reminding you of it.
its not as if you're not doing anything about it. you try. but it's like all they freaking remember are the negative, bad and nasty sides of you.
it's like hanging around with a broken record player that plays all that you hate about youreself.
it pisses the shit out of people ok.
its terribly upsetting, friends are meant to help you improve. not to piss you off and make you feel upset. a little reminder once in a while is tolerable.
but if its everytime you go out with them then that just mean.

everytime you say something they link it to what you said before.
they make it into jokes to pierce you. they laugh, they mock.
i dont think that makes them a friend.
only somthing evil would do that.


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