
Monday, April 20, 2009


-why can't you let your guard down once in a little while? is it really that hard to admit your mistakes? to show that you were wrong. or to show that not everything in this world you're capable of accomplishing. it's okay, it's okay to show fear and sadness. it's human to do so. you don't have to be cool all the time. we'd still respect you just as much.

-why can't you just understand? you don't have to be so egoistical. and if you did want to have a big ego shouldn't you have a basis for doing so? what's the purpose of you saying those things? is it to hide you imperfections? your instability? don't you know that empty vessles make the most noise. come back down to earth. it's good to have dreams. but be realistic.. so you think you're 'all that'? but you're not much.

-is it really that difficult? i guess it is isn't? something this world hid. so that only those very few could find it. because if everyone saw it. they'd want it. i've found it.that which brings happiness. but you just don't know i've found it. if only there was a way. if only you'd see.

-should i really be chasing after this dream which roots date back long ago, since the beginning of our friendship? is it really okay? to be chasing something i can't see, or can i see it? if you gave me the chance to start over, i'd take it. i'd make sure everything went right. but then again nothing ever does, does it.

-in the end. what i really don't understand is myself.

school starts tomorrow. whee!(?)

ciao babes!!!


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